Get ahead of your customers with one FREE SEO tool

SEO is something that you have likely heard off, especially as a website owner. Though SEO can sound quite overwhelming, at a basic level, it is really down to several best practices and a simple checklist.

If you search for help in SEO, you will undoubtedly be inundated with apps and agencies vying for your interest, and rightly so. There are a wealth of good apps that can help better understand what you are trying to do. Although many are overkill, there is a free resource that only takes a short while to set up and gives you enough insight.

Google Search Console is a useful free tool to try before consulting paid for tools. Within this tool, there is an effective way to find what search term get impressions. Not all impressions lead to clicks, so using this tool can help you better understand why. Afterall, Google uses this metric to better understand why your page should get more clicks than other websites.

This is where your meta description comes into play. This could, through some A/B testing, help entice your customers to your website. We will find out more in this blog post, so read on.

Understanding Impressions and Position

What do Impressions and Positions mean within Google Search Console:

Impressions: This metric tells you how many times your web pages appeared in the search results for specific queries. It provides valuable insights into the visibility of your website.

Position: Position shows the average ranking (position on the page) of your web pages for the keywords that led to impressions. The lower the number, the higher your page ranks in search results. It’s a crucial metric for assessing your website’s performance.

Step 1: Accessing Google Search Console

First things first, you’ll need to set up your website in Google Search Console if you haven’t already. Once your website is verified, log in to your Search Console account.

Step 2: Navigating to the Impressions and Position Tabs

Now, let’s explore the Impressions and Position tabs:

Impressions: Click on “Performance” in the left-hand sidebar. Here, you’ll find the “Total Clicks,” “Total Impressions,” “Average CTR,” and “Average Position.” Click on “Total Impressions” to access the Impressions tab.

Position: To access the Position tab, click on “Average Position” in the Performance report.

Step 3: Analyzing Impressions and Position Data

In the Impressions tab, you’ll see a list of queries that brought users to your site along with corresponding metrics like impressions, clicks, CTR (Click-Through Rate), and average position. Focus on the queries with high impressions and a low average position. This sweet spot is a good indication of what is showing, but not getting clicks.


This is how you can use that information and put it to better use:

Analyze Top-Performing Pages: Identify which pages are receiving the most impressions for these queries. They are effectively customers who walk past your shop window (website page) and don’t look any further.

Competitor Analysis: Next, use the Position tab to see where your website ranks compared to your competitors for the same queries. The important step here is to pay attention to websites ranking higher than yours. This will help you understand what they are doing differently and crucially help you understand why they are ranking higher.

Optimize Your Content: This stage is where you will need to focus on optimizing the content of the high-impression, low-position pages. First step is to improve meta descriptions and titles to make them more appealing and click-worthy. Make a spreadsheet of meta descriptions that you will think that works. Afterall, they are your customers.

Crafting Catchy Titles and Meta Descriptions

To enhance your website’s click-through rate, here are some tips for crafting compelling titles and meta descriptions:

Incorporate Keywords: Include relevant keywords in both the title and meta description to improve search visibility. These words often pop out because subconsciously that is what the searcher is looking for.

Keep It Concise: Make your titles and descriptions concise but informative. Aim for clarity in just a few words, more quality than quantity.

Highlight Benefits: Emphasize the value or benefits readers will gain from clicking on your page.

Use Action Words: Use action verbs that encourage users to take action, such as “discover,” “learn,” or “explore.” These words create that sense of something interesting of click-worthy.

Create a Sense of Urgency: If applicable, add urgency or a call to action to entice users to click. Think about a time when you were looking for a service or product, what enticed you? Was it the price, the image the text? These are important things to consider. Cycle through different meta descriptions and find one that works for you.

Incorporating these elements into your titles and meta descriptions will make your web pages more appealing to search engine users.

Start working on it today

  • Improving your website’s SEO is as complex as you make it. Using Google Search Console’s Impressions and Position tabs is a simple approach that does not take any hard skill. 
  • Remember to focus your efforts on the pages that matter most and make data-driven decisions to enhance your website’s visibility. 
  • Monitoring your performance is as important as trying to improve it, adapt your strategies, and stay committed to providing valuable content to your audience.Over time (because SEO does take time) and effort, you’ll see your website climb the ranks and attract more organic traffic.
  • Be consistent in changing your content, regularly update blogs, product pages and any other pages that get impressions but no clicks.

If you are looking to improve your onsite SEO, we can advise or do the work above for you. Send us an email if you need any help with your SEO. As a website owner, you can sometimes be caught up learning new things when you should be doing the thing that you want to do.

Contact us today and we will give you a proposal and review of your website with a custom offer.

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